This series has been displayed at Sa Sa Art Projects in Phnom Penh (Cambodia) with the XEM collective
Excerpt for the presentation text by curator Lyno Vuth
“In the exhibition, physical works by each of the five artists take forms extending from their presentation in the magazine. The works presented here by XEM deal with not only what separates us but also what bonds and unites us. The very same things can produce multiple complex effects.
To fly is one of the deepest dream of humans. The myth of Icarus has always inspired our imagination. The Futurism art movement in the early 20th century emphasized dynamism, speed, technology, youth, through the flying machines.
Quang Lam is interested to study the modernity (of Vietnam) by its industrial and technology’s development through this universal desire. This point of view has rarely used to understand the art history of the country.
Project Air SkyLen
The project is to build a virtual airline company named Air SkyLen
Airlines are the symbols of the technology’s level of a country.