
Tales from the Land of Dragons

This series intricately depicts selected nodes of the different threads woven throughout the last century of Vietnamese history, employing narrative elements reminiscent of a compelling tale.

According to ancient Vietnamese mythology, the people of Vietnam are believed to be descendants of a dragon and an Immortal.  The prominent myth of the origins of the Vietnamese people involves Lạc Long Quân, a dragon lord, and Âu Cơ, a fairy, who had 100 children from 100 eggs.


1954 Cuộc Di Cư Vĩ Đại Vào Nam – Operation Passage to Freedom

Di cư và Hiệp định Geneva

Sau Hiệp định Genève năm 1954 chia cắt Việt Nam thành hai miền Nam Bắc, có thời hạn 300 ngày (kết thúc vào ngày 18/5/1955) người dân Việt Nam được tự do lựa chọn nơi ở.

Một cuộc di cư lớn đã xảy ra, với khoảng 1 triệu người di chuyển từ Bắc vào Nam và khoảng 50.000 người di chuyển từ Nam ra Bắc.

Cuộc di cư bất ngờ đã khiến chính quyền Bắc Việt phải phong tỏa các tuyến đường,


1954-2024 : Đại tướng Giáp, trận Điện Biên Phủ và Hội nghị Genève

Ngày 7 tháng 5 năm 2024, chúng ta kỷ niệm 70 năm trận Điện Biên Phủ. Bài viết này nhấn mạnh các sự kiện quân sự và Hội nghị Genève diễn ra đồng thời với những ngày cuối cùng của trận đánh diễn ra hàng nghìn km xa, kết quả của nó được theo dõi một cách háo hức bởi truyền thông Pháp.

Hội nghị Genève năm 1954 là cuộc hội nghị diễn ra tại Genève,


Biennale The Wrong 2023 – Project Air Skylen

The Art Project – Air Skylen is participating the Biennale The Wrong 6th Edition, within the Pavilion ANIMA “Directory”, curated by Tam Nguyen, with advisories from Mai Huyen Chi & Xuan Ha and support from Duyen Le and Lien Nguyen

Review of the Art Project Air Skylen

This text has been written by the curator Tam Nguyen for the catalog of the pavilion ANIMA “Directory”

“Air Skylen (2022) embodies Quang Lam’s long-term research into the development of the Vietnamese airline industry.


Interiors of Steamliner Paul Lecat, Company Messageries Marititimes

The steamliner began his career on September 22, 1912 on the Far East line. In 1914, it was, with its 13,000 gross tonnage, the largest and most luxurious of the Company’s liners, the only one able to offer “luxury” cabins, equivalent to the North Atlantic lines.

Some excerpts of the travel story on Jeanne Marie Méchin aboard the Paul Lecat in November 1923 between Marseille and Saigon. These letters take a month to reach France till the France-Indochina air mail link reduced the time to one week.


Les Messageries Maritimes – the Far-East Line to Haiphong – Hanoi

Text from the leaflet

HAIPHONG, the port of the French Protectorate of Tongking, is situated at the far end of the Gulf of Tong-king, on the Cua-Cam, 90 minutes from the sea, and is 8229 miles from Marseilles. Its population is about 75.000, of which the French and Chinese number 15.000.

Fine streets and spacious boulevards bordered by brilliant flowering trees and shrubs give the town a most cheerful appearance. Among its most important buildings are the Residency,


Terra Utopia from the Incognita

At the Art Institute of South-East Asia in Singapore, the Terra Utopia series is currently on display as part of the exhibition XEM – Meta Far-East. This captivating collection explores the evolution of perceptions of the “Far East,” tracing its journey from antiquated geographical views to a more nuanced understanding shaped by the colonial era and the pressing challenges posed by climate change.

The photographs resemble aerial landscapes of uncharted coastal territories, evoking the sense of mystery that surrounded Far East Asia,


Air Vietnam – History of the airline company creation in 1950

Extracts of the article in Air France Magazine 1950
by MAURICE LEMOINE, general secretary of Air France

It was one of the first commercial enterprises in the young state to associate French interests with those of the government. Vietnamese. The latter holds half of the capital, the other half being distributed among various French shareholders, first and foremost Air France. From multiple points of view, this Air Vietnam creation is worthy of attention.


Air Vietnam – News in the 70s

Nguyen Tan Trung, president of Air Vietnam, has been named chairman of the Board of Directors of the Republic of Vietnam flag carrier. His nomination by board members to the post, which has traditionally been held by a cabinet minister, has been approved by the Vietnamese Government.

Calling 1974 ‘‘a year of challenge for everyone in the
airline business,” Mr. Nguyen Tan Trung said he was persuaded to accept the
additional responsibility with Air Vietnam in consideration of the national
interest and in view of the prospects of the development of the company.


Origin of Hue song at the court of Annam

This text comes from the book Mémoires de Son Excellence Huynh Con dit Đan Tường by Jean-Jacnal written 1924.
This biography of a former Minister of Rites at the Court of Annam contains historical details of his life and has an interesting description of music at the Court.

“Every night, we brought in singers. So little has been written about this category of people that no doubt I will be allowed to give some details about their life,
