
Narrative Structures

 “All great fiction films tend toward
documentary, just as all great documentaries tend toward fiction . . . One who
opts for one necessarily finds the other at the end of his journey.” “A story
should have a beginning, a middle, and an end… but not necessarily in that

These quotes are from Jean Luc Godard, most influential director of the French New Wave in the 60s which brought life into film with visual experimentation,



Story – Laments from the Royal Harem

This series is inspired from the poem “Laments From the Royal Harem” written in the 18th century, by Nguyễn Gia Thiều.

The poet tells the destiny a woman of the royal harem which
was similar to his own. First a favorite of the king, she had been abandoned,
falling into an oblivion made of misery and bitterness.

As a metaphor but also a goddess, the moon is used to describe the inner sentiment of a fragile beauty.

