Phòng tranh Photography

Meta Far-East – Immersive Sea Level Rising on Climate Change

Most of the countries in the Far East have coastlines. These territories will be affected by the sea level rising such as the megacities of Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, as it is written in the new study of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), the University of La Rochelle in France and the National Center for Atmospheric Research in the United States (NCAR). 

By 2100, nearly 50 million people will face this higher than expected rise in sea levels. 


XEM Collective Exhibition – Meta Far-East Asia

The main idea of the Quang Lam’s work in this exhibition is to explore the concept of the Far-East Asia in which Saigon and Singapore were essential nodes for its representation.

From wikipedia about: 

“The term first came into use in European geopolitical discourse in the 15th century, particularly the British, denoting the Far East as the “farthest” of the three “Easts”, beyond the Near East and the Middle East.[..] Significantly,


Review of the series Air Skyliners Crashes

This series has been displayed at Sa Sa Art Projects in Phnom Penh (Cambodia) with the XEM collective

Excerpt for the presentation text by curator Lyno Vuth

“In the exhibition, physical works by each of the five artists take forms extending from their presentation in the magazine. The works presented here by XEM deal with not only what separates us but also what bonds and unites us. The very same things can produce multiple complex effects.


Review of the series Hong Kong 2047


by Steve Bisson

«True rebellion is what calls into question the preconstituted order, not that it neglects it in favor of a permanently anarchic or hedonistic immaturity.»

In Quang Lam’s recent series ‘Hong Kong 2047’ the photographer alternates some vertical portraits of grotesque skyscrapers, depicted almost as if they were totems, with close-up images of remote control and surveillance systems. The cold linear,


#Saigon #Vietnam-War #Reenactment

Review of the series R like …

The texte has been written by Blanche CARDONER (Ecole du Louvre)
in her study – Contemporary photography Vietnamese and memory, Selection of works by contemporary Vietnamese artists or the diaspora working on their History

Manifestations and reminiscences of History: Quang Lam, R Like (2012 – 2015)

Quang Lam, on the contrary, is interested in a space highly representative of Vietnamese history in R Like… (2012 – 2015). The series may also be titled Reunification’s Reminiscence.


Art Project – Air Skylen

To fly is one of the deepest dream of humans. The myth of Icarus has always inspired our imagination. The Futurism art movement in the early 20th century emphasized dynamism, speed, technology, youth, through the flying machines. 

Quang Lam is interested to study the modernity (of Vietnam) by its industrial and technology’s development through this universal desire. This point of view has rarely used to understand the art history of the country.

Project Air SkyLen

The project is to build a virtual airline company named Air SkyLen

Airlines are the symbols of the technology’s level of a country.


Terra Utopia from the Incognita

At the Art Institute of South-East Asia in Singapore, the Terra Utopia series is currently on display as part of the exhibition XEM – Meta Far-East. This captivating collection explores the evolution of perceptions of the “Far East,” tracing its journey from antiquated geographical views to a more nuanced understanding shaped by the colonial era and the pressing challenges posed by climate change.

The photographs resemble aerial landscapes of uncharted coastal territories, evoking the sense of mystery that surrounded Far East Asia,


International Photo Biennale Hanoi’23 – City of Hue, Architecture of Eternity

This series has been presented at the International Photo Biennale Hanoi in 2023 at the exhibition “IN SEARCH OF THE LOST TIME”.

Quang Lam’ artist statement :

There are places where architecture and urban planning are not only shaped by the needs of the Present but also by the beliefs of a life beyond.

This photographic series is imbued with this philosophy that shaped Hue, the imperial city in central Vietnam,


Origin of Hue song at the court of Annam

This text comes from the book Mémoires de Son Excellence Huynh Con dit Đan Tường by Jean-Jacnal written 1924.
This biography of a former Minister of Rites at the Court of Annam contains historical details of his life and has an interesting description of music at the Court.

“Every night, we brought in singers. So little has been written about this category of people that no doubt I will be allowed to give some details about their life,


Air Vietnam trước 1975 – lịch sử chưa kể

Những tài liệu (văn bản, hình ảnh) của Air Vietnam trước 1975 là một phần sưu tầm
chúng tôi . Họ lấp đầy khoảng trống trong lịch sử chính thống của Hàng không Việt Nam.
Được trưng bày dưới dạng làm sẵn trong triển lãm Air Skylen, những tài liệu lưu trữ này cho thấy tầm quan trọng của việc sở hữu các hãng hàng không của đất nước trong quá trình phi thực dân hóa,

