air skylen

Air Vietnam airline international flights – from Saigon to Asia


Vietnam Airlines used part of its commercial rights to develop international routes to Phnom Penh, Bangkok, Vientiane, Hong Kong and Singapore, which Air France has reestablished from 1946 to 1949.

In 1952, by DC-3, there was a daily flight to Saigon-Phnom Penh, a weekly flight to Saigon-Bangkok, then a seat added to Siem Reap around 1956, two flights to Saigon-Seno-Vientiane; By DC-4, there were two weekly flights to Saigon-Hanoi-Hong Kong and Saigon-Haiphong-Hong Kong,


Biennale The Wrong 2023 – Project Air Skylen

The Art Project – Air Skylen is participating the Biennale The Wrong 6th Edition, within the Pavilion ANIMA “Directory”, curated by Tam Nguyen, with advisories from Mai Huyen Chi & Xuan Ha and support from Duyen Le and Lien Nguyen

Review of the Art Project Air Skylen

This text has been written by the curator Tam Nguyen for the catalog of the pavilion ANIMA “Directory”

“Air Skylen (2022) embodies Quang Lam’s long-term research into the development of the Vietnamese airline industry.


Review of the series Air Skyliners Crashes

This series has been displayed at Sa Sa Art Projects in Phnom Penh (Cambodia) with the XEM collective

Excerpt for the presentation text by curator Lyno Vuth

“In the exhibition, physical works by each of the five artists take forms extending from their presentation in the magazine. The works presented here by XEM deal with not only what separates us but also what bonds and unites us. The very same things can produce multiple complex effects.


Art Project – Air Skylen

To fly is one of the deepest dream of humans. The myth of Icarus has always inspired our imagination. The Futurism art movement in the early 20th century emphasized dynamism, speed, technology, youth, through the flying machines. 

Quang Lam is interested to study the modernity (of Vietnam) by its industrial and technology’s development through this universal desire. This point of view has rarely used to understand the art history of the country.

Project Air SkyLen

The project is to build a virtual airline company named Air SkyLen

Airlines are the symbols of the technology’s level of a country.


Air Vietnam – History of the airline company creation in 1950

Extracts of the article in Air France Magazine 1950
by MAURICE LEMOINE, general secretary of Air France

It was one of the first commercial enterprises in the young state to associate French interests with those of the government. Vietnamese. The latter holds half of the capital, the other half being distributed among various French shareholders, first and foremost Air France. From multiple points of view, this Air Vietnam creation is worthy of attention.


Air Vietnam – News in the 70s

Nguyen Tan Trung, president of Air Vietnam, has been named chairman of the Board of Directors of the Republic of Vietnam flag carrier. His nomination by board members to the post, which has traditionally been held by a cabinet minister, has been approved by the Vietnamese Government.

Calling 1974 ‘‘a year of challenge for everyone in the
airline business,” Mr. Nguyen Tan Trung said he was persuaded to accept the
additional responsibility with Air Vietnam in consideration of the national
interest and in view of the prospects of the development of the company.


Air Vietnam – The untold history, 1951-1975

These exclusive documents (text, images) of Air Vietnam are part of our collected archives. They fill the gap in the official narrative of Vietnamese Aviation.
Note by the author NGUYÊN MẠNH CUNG
This article was written according to the documents of Mr. Fery Vital, ITA, DGAC and Air France, with the collaboration of Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Tuyen and Mr. Nguyen Tu Thien, Lam Ngoc Diep, Tran Tho Phuoc ,


Air Skylen – Airports

For the creative event “Thiet Ke & Cong Nghe” in HaNoi , a whole concept of an airline company, named AIR SKYLEN has been presented

Airlines are the symbols of the technology’s level of a country. It also shares the values also international connections and exchanges.

AIR SKYLEN derived also from the term Skyline, which is the
apparent juncture of earth and sky, the horizon.  It is often used to describe the silhouette of
cities skyscrapers against the sky.


Air Skylen – Skyline Part (Photos and 3D Game Installation)

This installation is a part of Air Skylen project displayed at Hanoi Creative Week 2022.

The installation has a game video installed in an immersive environment built with a large city map of Hanoi and surrounded by photos of anonymous skyscrapers photo series.

The purpose of the game is to crash the airplane into growing buildings replacing them by trees. The score is defined by a green city percentage.


Air Skylen – Skyliners Crashes

The myth to reach the sky is as old as humanity, especially told in the myth of Icarus. It has become technologically possible in 20th century.

Architecture also embraced this myth as the new credo.  Nowadays, the term skyline is used to describe this type of urbanism based on the vertical line. Skyscrapers became the symbols of the superpower of capitalism

With the vibrant red and blue colors which are creating a time lag impression,

