air skylen

Air Vietnam, vols internationaux – de Saigon vers l’Asie


Vietnam Airlines a utilisé une partie de ses droits commerciaux pour développer des routes internationales vers Phnom Penh, Bangkok, Vientiane, Hong Kong et Singapour, qu’Air France a rétablies de 1946 à 1949.

En 1952, par DC-3, il y avait un vol quotidien vers Saigon-Phnom Penh, un vol hebdomadaire vers Saigon-Bangkok, puis un siège ajouté à Siem Reap vers 1956, deux vols vers Saigon-Seno-Vientiane ; Par DC-4,


Biennale The Wrong 2023 – Projet Air Skylen

Le Project – Air Skylen participe à la Biennale The Wrong 6ème édition, au sein du Pavillon ANIMA “Directory”, organisé par Tam Nguyen, avec les conseils de Mai Huyen Chi & Xuan Ha et le soutien de Duyen Le et Lien Nguyen

Etude du Projet Air Skylen

Ce texte a été rédigé par le commissaire Tam Nguyen pour le catalogue du pavillon ANIMA “Répertoire”

« Air Skylen (2022) incarne la recherche à long terme de Quang Lam sur le développement de l’industrie aérienne vietnamienne.


Projet – Air Skylen, aviation, modernité et art

Voler est l’un des rêves les plus profonds des humains. Le mythe d’Icare a toujours inspiré notre imaginaire. Le mouvement artistique futuriste du début du XXe siècle mettait l’accent sur le dynamisme, la vitesse, la technologie et la jeunesse, à travers les machines volantes.

Quang Lam s’intéresse à étudier la modernité (du Vietnam) à travers son développement industriel et technologique à travers cette volonté universelle. Ce point de vue a rarement été utilisé pour comprendre l’histoire de l’art du pays.


Air Vietnam – News in the 70s

Nguyen Tan Trung, president of Air Vietnam, has been named chairman of the Board of Directors of the Republic of Vietnam flag carrier. His nomination by board members to the post, which has traditionally been held by a cabinet minister, has been approved by the Vietnamese Government.

Calling 1974 ‘‘a year of challenge for everyone in the
airline business,” Mr. Nguyen Tan Trung said he was persuaded to accept the
additional responsibility with Air Vietnam in consideration of the national
interest and in view of the prospects of the development of the company.


Air Skylen – Airports

For the creative event “Thiet Ke & Cong Nghe” in HaNoi , a whole concept of an airline company, named AIR SKYLEN has been presented

Airlines are the symbols of the technology’s level of a country. It also shares the values also international connections and exchanges.

AIR SKYLEN is derived from the term “Skyline,” which refers to the apparent juncture of earth and sky, often describing the silhouette of city skyscrapers against the sky.


Air Skylen – Skyline Part (Photos and 3D Game Installation)

This installation is a part of Air Skylen project displayed at Hanoi Creative Week 2022.

The installation has a game video installed in an immersive environment built with a large city map of Hanoi and surrounded by photos of anonymous skyscrapers photo series.

The purpose of the game is to crash the airplane into growing buildings replacing them by trees. The score is defined by a green city percentage.


Air Skylen – Skyliners Crashes

The myth to reach the sky is as old as humanity, especially told in the myth of Icarus. It has become technologically possible in 20th century.

Architecture also embraced this myth as the new credo.  Nowadays, the term skyline is used to describe this type of urbanism based on the vertical line. Skyscrapers became the symbols of the superpower of capitalism

With the vibrant red and blue colors which are creating a time lag impression,

