Kunstgalerie Photography

Air Flows with Marriott Autograph Hotel at Landmark 81 tower

Statement by the visual artist Quang Lam

“The Autograph Collection Hotels, in collaboration with Vinpearl Landmark 81, has launched the visionary project “Gallery in the Sky.”  I would like to cultivate the values of international connections and exchanges, leveraging the unique setting of Vinpearl Landmark 81. My vision for “Gallery in the Sky” involves capturing captivating photographs of airplanes arriving from all corners of the globe, visible from the hotel. But invisible, they are like “Air Flows”.


Hong Kong Umbrella Movement, 2014-2024, 10th anniversary

This series captures the raw sequence by the photographer Quang Lam of events from October 5th to 12th, 2014. Organized in the style of black and white contact sheets, this presentation immerses viewers in the days when Hong Kong’s youth sought to take control of their future. Led by the 18-year-old Joshua Wong (visible in contact sheet number #5), the students occupied for two months the heart of Hong Kong in the Admiralty zone, where government buildings are located.


Kartographie von Terra Incognita

In der Kartographie bezeichnet Terra incognita Gebiete, die nicht kartiert oder dokumentiert wurden. Es wird angenommen, dass der Ausdruck erstmals um 150 n. Chr. in der Geographie des Ptolemäus auftauchte1. Es markiert unerforschte oder unbekannte Gebiete. Interessanterweise wurde der Ausdruck auch metaphorisch verwendet, um unerforschte Themen oder Forschungsbereiche zu beschreiben.

Diese Serie erfasst die In-situ-Entstehung einer Terra Incognita, die sich über mehrere Monate erstreckte. In einer Ruine, die Regen und Wind ausgesetzt war,


The Circle of Return at Lagoon Tam Giang Hue

The inspiration for this series is drawn from “The Tale of Từ Thức Marrying a Goddess,” a story that delves into the life of Từ Thức during the Trần dynasty. He encounters and weds a goddess in the divine realm, only to later depart from his celestial spouse to revisit his hometown. Unbeknownst to him, countless ages have transpired in the mortal world during his absence.

Set in Hue, amidst the tranquil lagoon of Tam Gian,


1954-2024 : General Giap, Dien Bien Phu Battle and Geneva Conference – the end of Indochina war

On May 7th of this year 2024, we commemorate the 70th anniversary of the battle of Dien Bien Phu. This article highlights the military events and the Geneva conference that opens at the same time as the final days of a battle taking place thousands of kilometers away, the outcome of which is eagerly followed by the French media.

The Geneva Conference of 1954 was a conference that took place in Geneva, Switzerland,


ChoLon, Dreams Factories of Saigon

The historical aftermath of the Qing Dynasty’s overthrow of the Ming Dynasty in 17th-century China led to Ming loyalists seeking refuge in Southeast Asia. In Vietnam, these Chinese immigrants played a pioneering role during the “March to the South.” They settled in Bien Hoa. By the late 18th century, to escape the massacres perpetrated by Tay-son troops, the community regrouped in the present-day location of Cholon, situated 11 kilometers away from the center of Saigon,


Reality shows for the Independence Palace, the modernist architecture icon of Saigon

The Independence Palace, completed in 1966 by the architect Ngô Viết Thụ, winner of the Prix de Rome, was never inhabited by President Ngo Dinh Diem who requested its construction but by the next President who made him assassinated.  It has become a museum since April 30, 1975 when tanks have crashed through its gates.

Renamed as Reunification Palace, It is now the gathering place for all the city’s major festivities and commemorations.


Erklärung Ausstellung XEM – Meta Far-East

Written by Dr Bridget Tracy Tan
Director, Institute of Southeast Asia Arts – Art Galleries
Academic Advisor (Southeast Asian Arts)
Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts

„Bei Quang Lams Stil geht es zweifellos um Spiel, aber auch um Verantwortung. Er möchte, dass der Betrachter weiß, wie wir erleben, was wir erleben, durch das, was wir inszenieren und die Gedanken, die wir denken, die Art und Weise, wie wir uns bewegen.


Studie zur Serie Stadt Hue, Architektur der Ewigkeit

Von Prof. Steve Bisson, Pariser Kunsthochschule
Chefredakteur des Urbanautica Institute

Die Lebensbedingungen der Massen stimmten nicht immer mit denen eines irdischen Paradieses überein. Dies ist auch heute noch der Fall, wenn wir den Urbanismus und insbesondere den Zustand der Vorstädte oder der großstädtischen Verdichtungen beobachten, die wenig Raum für grüne Träume lassen. Eine Terrasse ist schon ein Privileg. Im Zuge der fortschreitenden Urbanisierung hat sich die menschliche Spezies von der Natur distanziert und ist in Betontürme gezwungen,


Biennale The Wrong 2023 – Projekt Air Skylen

Das Kunstprojekt – Air Skylen nimmt an der Biennale The Wrong 6th Edition im Pavillon ANIMA „Directory“ teil, kuratiert von Tam Nguyen, mit Beratung von Mai Huyen Chi & Xuan Ha und Unterstützung von Duyen Le und Lien Nguyen

Studie zum Kunstprojekt Air Skylen

This text has been written by the curator Tam Nguyen for the catalog of the pavilion ANIMA “Directory”

Dieser Text wurde von Kommissar Tam Nguyen für den ANIMA-Pavillonkatalog „Repertoire“ überarbeitet.

